All Stories, Garment Worker Rights Megan Doyle All Stories, Garment Worker Rights Megan Doyle

Why Does Fashion Prioritise Planet Over People?

Fashion has made some big swings, and some bold commitments, towards reducing its environmental impact. But supply chain workers are being routinely left out of sustainability strategies. Why does the industry seem to care so much more about materials than it does about the plight of garment workers? Written for The Interline

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Garment Worker Rights, All Stories Megan Doyle Garment Worker Rights, All Stories Megan Doyle

Forced Labor of Uighur Muslims Proves The Urgency of Supply Chain Transparency

In recent months, global outrage over the discovery that Turkic-speaking Uighur Muslims in China’s Xinjiang region have been forcibly involved in creating textiles for major fashion retailers around the world has highlighted the very reason why transparency is crucial for the future of the industry.

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All Stories, Garment Worker Rights Megan Doyle All Stories, Garment Worker Rights Megan Doyle

What is the Garment Worker Protection Act and Why Do We Need It?

“Made in America” was once synonymous with fair wages, decent working conditions and quality clothing, but for garment workers in Los Angeles, the heart of domestic clothing manufacturing, that’s no longer a given. It may have taken a global pandemic, but the misconception that fast fashion brands only exploit garment workers in far-flung countries has finally been shattered.

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