Brands to Buy, All Stories Megan Doyle Brands to Buy, All Stories Megan Doyle

Greenwashing Check: Is Allbirds As Sustainable As It Claims To Be?

Even if the name Allbirds doesn’t ring any bells, you’ll probably recognize the brand’s comfy wool sneakers. But when a company comes out with lines like “Reverse Climate Change Through Better Business,” one can’t help but be a little suspicious. Is Allbirds the sustainable disrupter we’re led to believe? Let’s get into it.

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Sustainable Materials, All Stories Megan Doyle Sustainable Materials, All Stories Megan Doyle

Fashion Relies on the Amazon. Here’s How One Brand is Giving Back.

The Amazon is being cleared for the production of various fashion commodities, including leather, cotton, man-made cellulosic fibers (like rayon), and rubber. Soaring global fashion production means these textiles are increasingly valuable, making them a big business opportunity for far-right Bolsonaro’s government.

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Sustainable Materials, All Stories Megan Doyle Sustainable Materials, All Stories Megan Doyle

Greenwashing Alert! What is Bamboo Fabric, and is it Sustainable?

The way ethical fashion brands promote bamboo fabric, you’d think that it’s a sustainable wonder material that’s revolutionizing the industry. It has a good reputation as an eco-friendly fiber, but is it a sustainable silver bullet? Short answer, no. But, as with most things in the world of textiles, it’s complicated.

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Sustainable Materials, All Stories Megan Doyle Sustainable Materials, All Stories Megan Doyle

Teatum Jones Join Forces With Liberty For Zero-waste Collection: Relove Part Two

Since making their fashion week debut in 2011, Catherine Teatum and Rob Jones, the design duo behind Teatum Jones, have been on a mission. After almost a decade of operating within the fashion system, they developed ReLove, a zero-waste design initiative that sees them teaming up with collaborators to reimagine their designs using textile waste.

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Inside Rental Platform Rotaro’s Mission To Transform The Fashion Industry

If the idea of ‘revenge shopping’ your way into the ‘Roaring Twenties’ has left you feeling a little conflicted, you’re not alone. How do we reconcile a heightened collective awareness of fashion’s environmental and human impact, with the gradual lifting of lockdown restrictions and ever-increasing reasons to get dressed up? Enter fashion rental platform Rotaro.

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