Supply Chain Traceability, All Stories Megan Doyle Supply Chain Traceability, All Stories Megan Doyle

Unpicking Fashion's Supply Chain Tiers & Their Risks

Holding together the fashion industry is an intricate network of actors that span the globe. The complexity of fashion’s supply chains can’t be underestimated — a single product can involve potentially dozens of suppliers, from raw material producers, processors, and assemblers, to certifying bodies, logistics providers and retail outlets, before it reaches the end consumer.

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Brands to Buy, All Stories Megan Doyle Brands to Buy, All Stories Megan Doyle

Greenwashing Check: Is Allbirds As Sustainable As It Claims To Be?

Even if the name Allbirds doesn’t ring any bells, you’ll probably recognize the brand’s comfy wool sneakers. But when a company comes out with lines like “Reverse Climate Change Through Better Business,” one can’t help but be a little suspicious. Is Allbirds the sustainable disrupter we’re led to believe? Let’s get into it.

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